Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Today you will go out to shoot more Photomerge images. You need to go with in walking distance of class and be back 20 minutes before the end of class. Be sure that you take images that overlap 5-10% from your last image.
  • Shoot 2-3 new, exciting & interesting photomerges of different areas.
  • Each photomerge should have at least 4 pictures.
  • One of your photomerges should be a more complicated photomerge where you have 2 rows & at least 3 columns (for a larger photomerge of 6 or more pictures)
  • *Note: While you are out taking pictures, if needed more sequence shots and have time, take them too.

Monday, April 28, 2014

4/28: Returning from Spring Break

  1. Import your photos.
  2. Create a Contact Sheet called Spring Break. Include pictures from all three Photomerge locations (pick the best ones) and your sequence shots.
  3. Turn your Contact Sheet in to the Staff Server.
  4. Start merging your Photomerge pictures. Save these but do not turn them in.
  5. Do not merge your sequences until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Friday, April 18, 2014


  • Three successful and awesome looking landscape style Photomerges in three separate locations.
    • One must be during golden hour.
  • One intense action sequence of 3-5 shots
    • You will take 30-40 pictures for it to work. If you are lucky or skillful, it may only take four to five.
    • Be sure to shoot interesting activities, and use creative angles.
  •   Please refer to previous blog posts for more detailed information on the assignments.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Sequence Assignment

The second part of your Spring Break homework is to create an action sequence. You can do this two ways:

1. If your camera has continuous shutter you can take multiple pictures very quickly.

2. If your camera does not have continuous shutter you can have your subject repeat the action multiple times and take multiple shots.  

 You need to get one really good action sequence during Spring Break. It may take you 30-40 pictures for it to work out or if you are lucky or skillful it may only take four or five pictures.

 Please shoot DRAMATIC action.  Pick sports or activities that are interesting and action packed.
 Make sure your shot is taken from a creative angle and demonstrates intense action. Each sequence should have 3-5 shots.

Action Sequence Photography 25 Beautiful Examples of Action Sequence Photography
When you’re creating a sequence photo make sure you get all the action you need. This can be done by choosing the action setting on a DSLR. Make sure you have a camera that able to do high shutter speeds. A DSRL that can shoot 3-5fps can get you great results. Then set the camera up in a sturdy location or on a sturdy tripod so movement between frames is limited. Below are some truly amazing examples of sequence photography. The trick is to hold the camera steady and have the action move through multiple frames/photos:

Ray Demski

sports action 01  25 Beautiful Examples of Action Sequence Photography 


YouTube Sequence Tutorial 

Text Tutorial for Sequence Assignment

If you have overlap, use a layer mask


step by step

  • Open your multiple pictures into Adobe Bridge
  • Tools>Photoshop>Photoshop>Load Files into Photoshop Layers 
  • Edit>Auto Align Layers
  • create a new black layer mask on your top layer (alt + click on the layer mask icon in the layer palette)
  • paint in white over your subject (sometimes lowering the opacity will help you see where to paint.
  • flatten image
  • add shadows as needed
  • save

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Photomerge Assignment

One of your assignments over break is to take multiple landscape panorama style photomerges.  Take a picture and then move the camera slightly up or sideways to take another "connected" image. Basically you combine smaller pictures to make one larger picture.

Use a tripod if possible. Remember to manual adjust white balance or select something like "cloudy" or "sunny" on your camera.

Here is how you connect multiple pictures in Photoshop.

To set up a new Photomerge composition:
Do one of the following:
Choose File > Automate > Photomerge.
In the File Browser, select the images you want to use and then choose Automate > Photomerge from the File Browser menu bar
In the dialog box, choose an option from the Use pop-up menu:

  • Files to generate the Photomerge composition using individual files.
  • Folders to use all the images stored in a folder to create the Photomerge composition. The files in the folder appear in the dialog box.
  • Open Files to use the image files you have open in Photoshop.
Click the Browse button to navigate to the source files or folder you want to use to create the Photomerge composition. Select Attempt to Automatically Arrange Source Images if you want Photoshop to try to line the images up in their proper order.
Then edit your picture as you need.

Here is a tutorial you can use to get you going.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Listed below are all of the DOF and ACTION assignments and titles that will be graded. For more detailed information and criteria, please refer to previous blog posts.

    • Off-campus shoot on 4/1 or 4/2
    • 24 pictures
    • Off-campus shoot on 4/10 or 4/11
    • 24 pictures 
    • Homework due 4/10 or 4/11
    • 24 pictures
    • Worth 100 pts.
    • Due 4/15 or 4/16
    • 20 best adjusted images from ALL of your DOF and ACTION images.
    • You should include 10-15 DOF images and 5-10 Action shots for a total of 20 

  • DOFBest:   (JPEG)
    • Worth 100 pts.
    • Due 4/15 or 4/16
    • Your SINGLE BEST DOF image
    • This should be submitted for printing as a maximum quality jpeg
  • ACTIONBest:   (JPEG)
    • Worth 100 pts.
    • Due 4/15 or 4/16
    • Your SINGLE BEST ACTION image
    • This should be submitted for printing as a maximum quality jpeg


You will have all of class today, and 45 minutes into next class to finish your DOF and Action pictures and submit them.

    • Worth 100 pts.
    • Due 4/15 or 4/16
    • 20 best adjusted images from ALL of your DOF and ACTION images.
    • You should include 10-15 DOF images and 5-10 Action shots for a total of 20  

  • DOFBest:   (JPEG)
    • Worth 100 pts.
    • Due 4/15 or 4/16
    • Your SINGLE BEST DOF image
    • This should be submitted for printing as a maximum quality jpeg
  • ACTIONBest:   (JPEG)
    • Worth 100 pts.
    • Due 4/15 or 4/16
    • Your SINGLE BEST ACTION image
    • This should be submitted for printing as a maximum quality jpeg

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Now that you are more comfortable taking pictures in the manual mode, you may find that some pictures are not coming out even when you meter correctly. This has to do with how your camera meters. Here is a tip:
  • Add light to light
    • This means that when you have A LOT OF LIGHT you will want your meter to be on the + side of the exposure meter, meaning that you will be OPEN the aperture a full stop or so.
  • Add dark to dark 
    •  This means that when IT IS DARK you will want your meter to be on the - side of the exposure meter, meaning that you will CLOSE the aperture a full stop or so.


Today, you will repeat the DoF assignment from April 1st (see blog for details). You will most likely want a tripod. Be sure to ask what to set your ISO to. Be sure to follow the directions and take INTERESTING pictures. Return 20 minutes early and upload the following:
  • Your homework titled, Action1.
  • Your in-class assignment titled, DOF2.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Today in class we will review your DoF assignment pictures, and your action shots from last class.  

Homework due 4/10-4/11 (see last blog).  We will create a list of who is shooting what event. Also, if you want to sign out a manual camera overnight, have your parents email me (laura.king@shorelineschools.org) permission stating that they understand that they are responsible for the cameras (valued at $400-$800) if they are lost or damaged.

In class today we will focus more on shutter speed and action. At the end of class, INDIVIDUALLY upload your pictures, and title it ActionPractice2. Ask what to set your ISO at before photographing. You will take the following pictures:
  • 2 Panning Shots (use Shutter Priority, Tv or S)
    • Use shutter speeds of 1/20-1/40. The camera will adjust the aperture.
  • 2 In Focus Tradional Action Shots (use Shutter Priority, Tv or S)
    • Use shutter speeds of 1/250, or faster.  The camera will adjust the aperture.
  • 2 In Focus Tradional Action Shots (use Manual, M)
    • Use shutter speeds of 1/250, or faster.  Remember that you will need to adjust the F-Stop as well for correct exposure.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Homework:  Shorecrest Related Action Shots

24 Pictures Due Next Thursday morning.

Pick a Shorecrest sport or performance group and take pictures at a game or practice. 

Let me know if you want to shoot on the sideline during a game or match.  You may use the panning technique as described in class and in the Motorcross video. 
Go to the link below for more help with:
F-Stops and Shutter Speed Hints

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


The goal of this assignment is to get a better understanding of how to control Depth of Field (DoF), or the area in your picture that is in focus.  You will experiment with having a shallow DoF, or selective focus, to having a large depth of field where everything may be in focus.  You will take 24 pictures total.  Be sure to be back 15 minutes before the end of class and upload your contact sheet titled, DOF1.

  1. Set your ISO to__________________. (Ask your teacher for correct setting)
  2. Check that your battery is charged, and lens is clean.
  3. Zoom in completely with your camera.
  4. Take pictures that have 3 ‘objects’ in each image.  One object should be close to you (approximately 2-4’ away from the camera, the second object should be a little further, and the third object can be very far away from you.
  5. USE MANUAL FOCUS- DO NOT CHANGE THE FOCUS ON YOUR LENS BETWEEN THESE SHOTS! Be carefull NOT to move the camera, don't change focus between images, just aperture and shutter speed.

Manual (M)
1. Biggest Aperture (F5.6 or bigger)
2. Close down a few stops (F8)
3. Close down a few more stops (F11 or F16?)
4. Smallest Aperture (F22 or smaller)

Adjust EACH picture for  correct exposure!
Manual (M)
Pictures 5-8: Repeat from  1-4

Adjust EACH picture for  correct exposure!
Manual (M)
Pictures 9-12: Repeat from  1-4
Adjust EACH picture for  correct exposure!
Aperture Priority (A)
Pictures 13-16: Repeat from  1-4

Camera will do automatically
Aperture Priority (A)
Pictures 17-20: Repeat from  1-4

Camera will do automatically
Aperture Priority (A)
Pictures 21-24: Repeat from  1-4

Camera will do automatically

  1. Use your notes and handouts from class.
  2. Check that you know how to:
    1. Change the Aperture (F-stops).
    2. Change the shutter speed.
    3. Change and use the Manual and Aperture Priority modes.
    4. Meter your image to get the correct exposure.
  3. Be sure to focus before you take your picture
  4. Use a tripod.  If you do not use a tripod, be aware that you will likely have blurry pictures at shutter speeds slower than 1/30, so at least stabilize yourself by anchoring your arms.
  5. As always, compose your images carefully, and pick interesting subject matter.  People may be a good subject for some of your images.
  6. Experiment with how far away subjects are from your camera, as that effects DoF