Put your SD card into the back of the computer or plug in your camera using a USB chord.
1. Import your pictures using Image Capture
2. Create a folder on your computer.
3. Drag the pictures you want to use in this Contact Sheet into this new folder.
4. Open Adobe Bridge CS5
5. On left hand side find your folder and select it.
6. Select the files down below so that they show up in the Preview section. You can select the pictures via lasso, shift key, or command key.
7. In the document section on the right, select the paper size (A4), the quality (300 ppi), and the background (white).
8. On the right hand side select Output. Make sure .pdf is selected.
9. In the layout section on the right, input 4 columns and 6 rows.
10. In the output menu on the right top, create a custom template by selecting the document icon and naming it "24 images." This step is important as you will be using this template for the rest of the semester.
11. In the output menu, click "refresh preview."
12. Click save in the lower right hand corner. Save to your pictures folder.
13. Upload .pdf Contact Sheet to the Staff Server>Ms. King>Correct Class Period