Thursday, May 25, 2017


Look at the photos on the following websites for self-portrait ideas. 

Then and then answer the questions below to prepare for your self-portrait photo shoot. 

Also, go to Getty Images and do a portraits search (self-portraits on Getty show people taking pictures of themselves. We do not need to see the camera).

What categories do you think you will pick? Why?
What are your interests and hobbies that you can showcase in your self-portrait?
What colors will be the best for you to work with for self-portrait where color is emphasized? What are your favorite colors?
Do you have any costumes or props you can use for the self-portraits?
(OPTIONAL)  Next, use text edit, or Word and drop the answers into the proper class folder. Then sketch two of your ideas for self-portraits. Include location, outfits, poses, costumes, and facial expressions etc. I realize that not everyone is an amazing artist, but do your best.

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